More in general in that if anyone feels they "have to" do anything it's because they're repelling a fear regatdless of the level of fear.I don't know if you meant it like this, but to a degree I think you have a point, if your point is that music production is a pattern that soothes some perceived need, like a drug that once was effective it might not even mask that "need" anymore, but the idea of it doing so still exists.
So if I "have to" watch a football game it's because I'm afraid of missing out. That may sound obnoxious but fear has various degrees with the lowest levels seeming to be non fear based due to it's much lesser impact (vs. One feeling they have to climb up a tree for fear of getting eaten by a lion that's chasing them).
Using your point, yeah, if someone - for example - feels they "have to" drink it's because they are afraid of experiencing the pain of sobriety regardless if the alcohol level fails to repel the sobriety at a level it once did (time to up the percentage right?).
This is where Ignoramce is Bliss comes in. Sobriety was fine until one experiences cloud 9. All of a sudden Sobriety becomes a hell we wish to repel.
That all depends for me. If i want to go off roading at midnight with JD in my system (obvsly away from civilization so i end up only hurting myself), then the latter would more than likely be the one to hang with regardless if he's not sure whether he likes fish or sausage for breakfast (so long as he respects I like fish for breakfast lunch and dinner so no staring at my ass).I think there are worse identities to have, I would rather hang out with the guy who smokes too much weed and noodles on a modular or in Max/MSP than someone who has masculinity issues, a jacked up pickup truck, MAGAtt and NRA bumber stickers and reminisces about bar fights from days gone by.
On a much bigger scale, Noel Gallagher said it best:It's a drug to finish a song you wrote you actually like, and to play it well in front of an appreciative audience is in some ways better than sex. I don't think that has to be attached to ego or rejection of ego.
"You're just going to have to believe me when I tell you there's no feeling that can compare to having a stadium full of people responding to you."
Not verbatim but close enough.
Statistics: Posted by VOODOO U — Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:11 pm