So, my thinking goes at first, that a VST that doesn't load in a DAW is the fault of the VST. Back in the day I also heard that VST's act wonky on pirated DAWs. Who's right and who's wrong? Bitwig, ACID, Reason can't have me have ultimate creative freedom in the Cypher 2 FX section. Does the DAW have to take the blame? The VST? The programming format? Who? I Want to enjoy myself, and not dread that I wasted my money on a soft synth, that doesn't work at all finding itself in my creative workflow.
Reflection - in this case, it is the synth. Proof? It crashes even in standalone.
Reflection - in this case, it is the synth. Proof? It crashes even in standalone.
Statistics: Posted by PabloHassan — Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:07 pm